The evolving art and science of risk identification

The European Food Safety Authority define emerging risks as a risk resulting from a newly identified hazard to which a significant exposure may occur or from an unexpected new or increased significant exposure and/or susceptibility to a known hazard.Swiss Re as newly developing or changing risks which are difficult to quantify and which may have a major impact on an organisation.Lloyd’s of London as an issue that is perceived to be potentially significant but which may not be fully understood.

How does your organisation deal with the issue of potential or indeed possible impact of emerging risks to the achievement of your objectives?

We can help you with the prediction of emerging risks through the use of  our “intelligent imagination.”

Call us soon before the possibility of an emerging risk affects your competitive advantage.

Guy Taylor, Founder


About Guy Taylor

I am a risk, strategy & innovation management researcher and a leading edge thinker. I have a strong technical background and entrepreneurial ethos, plus I am a proven innovator of new business models. I have a good knowledge of Insurance, Energy & Natural Resources, Public, Pharmaceutical, Financial Service & third sectors, having worked with FTSE, and various government agencies. After a career break to obtain my Masters degree in Insurance & Risk Management, in 2000 I founded Treseder & Company, a private management consultancy practice advising in the public and private sectors. My specialties are: Systems thinking and Systemic risk, Scenario analysis, Risk Identification methodologies, Strategy and Innovation, Futures thinking, and Horizon scanning. I launched in 2010
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