Category Archives: Uncategorized

Art of the Possible

A timely reminder is due to think about the difference between probabalistic and possibilistic thinking in the world of risk and its management and in particular for the insurance sector. This is so important because in advice given since 1999 on … Continue reading

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What your world needs now!

What stage of an innovation strategy cycle are you at? Incremental, Evolutionary or Radical! From where we sit a stagnant economy and no positive social change appear to be the norm across a whole spectrum of public and private sector actors.Just treading water, keeping … Continue reading

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By combining and mapping the best in Foresight and Hindsight thinking

We have created a new framework for the analysis of risk and the  opportunities arising therefrom. Do you still suffer from “HICCUPS?” HEALTH-dealing with the deadly killer diseases once and for all IMMIGRATION-positive thinking on the global benefits to be had CRIME-legalise … Continue reading

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Life’s too long to get it wrong!?

Ten thoughts to bear in mind when developing scenarios analysis: The base line for the most part comes from economic theory and practice.Economists need to eat! They will and do justify over time driving both on the right and left hand … Continue reading

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The evolving art and science of risk identification

The European Food Safety Authority define emerging risks as a risk resulting from a newly identified hazard to which a significant exposure may occur or from an unexpected new or increased significant exposure and/or susceptibility to a known hazard.Swiss Re … Continue reading

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Are you a Highly Risky Organisation or a Highly Reliable Organisation?

In order to be the latter your organisational systems will allow for the reward of reliability and recognise the costs of failures.Your management style should communicate the big picture to everyone.Your structured systems will enable you to  share learning through the use of … Continue reading

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Welcome to “Britideas.” Does your world need a little creativity and imagination right now? Are you able to create the solutions needed for your clients,customers or stakeholders in the new innovation economy? The race to innovate has not begun yet, are you on the starting block or … Continue reading

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